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3 года 2 нед. назад #327
от VivianPag
VivianPag ответил в теме When I said no, I reaffirmed myself.
When I said no, I reaffirmed myself.
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п»ї<title>When I said no, I reaffirmed myself.</title>
"The most important thing I've learned after the age of 40
was to say no, when it is no"
(Gabriel GarcГa MГЎrquez)
Did you get tired of always being diplomatic and conciliatory, of always being accommodating to others over your priorities and needs? Have you ever thought that if at any given moment, you were sincere and spoke directly about your differences with someone without the need to raise your voice or get angry, you would feel better?
Did you get tired of fixing the neighbor's computer, of always being the one who takes care of your nephews and nieces, the one who always goes to the doctor with your aunt and the one who always overloads himself with things and obligations, even when you don't feel like it, forgetting about yourself?
Are you tired of dancing on everyone's feet?
Saying "no", "enough" or "that's not so" can liberate us, comfort us and make us feel better about ourselves. Often for fear of an argument, out of shyness, because we believe that we will be held in worse esteem, we do not want to say it.
To avoid an uncomfortable situation, we accumulate everything we are not able to say to our face, always wanting to please. And in the end, the only thing we get is to hurt ourselves, nobody else.
Are you tired of dancing the water to everyone?
That is why sometimes we can start with small things, with small gestures, and although at that moment someone will surely say "you were not like that", "how you have changed", you will answer without fear "I have changed" and you will remain so comfortable.
Surely, those first changes will mark a before and after inside you. You will feel more respected, more self-confident and you will learn to relate to others in a positive and sincere way; and if someone doesn't love you anymore, maybe he or she never really loved you....
We must be respected and respected and that is not achieved by speaking louder or making more noise. It is an attitude that everyone will notice, when we speak with sincerity looking into the eyes, when we are clear with others ...
Shutting up to everything and always saying "yes" does not assure us that we will be loved more; in fact, when we think like that, perhaps behind it all hides a low self-esteem and we think that complacency is the way to get affection.
And how can we learn to say "NO"?1. Start with small things. Do not give silly excuses, it shows in the end. Simply say that you don't feel like it, that you are tired, that you understand but you can't, that you also have your obligations.
2. If you are not sure, think carefully about how you are going to do it first. You can stand in front of a mirror and look at both your verbal and nonverbal language. See if your speech is sensible and reasonable.
Don't be afraid, it is normal to feel uncomfortable and anxious at the moment of your "no", but they say that "charity begins with oneself". To say "NO" is to love yourself.
4. Lose the fear of what others say. The first to feel satisfied with yourself is you.
5. You don't need to give so many explanations. If you do it this way you start to enter your spiral of "what a cut, how do I tell him..." and we return to the same thing.
6. Learn that if a person really loves you and appreciates you, they are not going to stop doing it because you say "NO", you also have the right to rest and to look out for yourself. Check your self-esteem.
7. Learn not to feel guilty for saying "NO". This is an inside job that you can do little by little.
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п»ї<title>When I said no, I reaffirmed myself.</title>
"The most important thing I've learned after the age of 40
was to say no, when it is no"
(Gabriel GarcГa MГЎrquez)
Did you get tired of always being diplomatic and conciliatory, of always being accommodating to others over your priorities and needs? Have you ever thought that if at any given moment, you were sincere and spoke directly about your differences with someone without the need to raise your voice or get angry, you would feel better?
Did you get tired of fixing the neighbor's computer, of always being the one who takes care of your nephews and nieces, the one who always goes to the doctor with your aunt and the one who always overloads himself with things and obligations, even when you don't feel like it, forgetting about yourself?
Are you tired of dancing on everyone's feet?
Saying "no", "enough" or "that's not so" can liberate us, comfort us and make us feel better about ourselves. Often for fear of an argument, out of shyness, because we believe that we will be held in worse esteem, we do not want to say it.
To avoid an uncomfortable situation, we accumulate everything we are not able to say to our face, always wanting to please. And in the end, the only thing we get is to hurt ourselves, nobody else.
Are you tired of dancing the water to everyone?
That is why sometimes we can start with small things, with small gestures, and although at that moment someone will surely say "you were not like that", "how you have changed", you will answer without fear "I have changed" and you will remain so comfortable.
Surely, those first changes will mark a before and after inside you. You will feel more respected, more self-confident and you will learn to relate to others in a positive and sincere way; and if someone doesn't love you anymore, maybe he or she never really loved you....
We must be respected and respected and that is not achieved by speaking louder or making more noise. It is an attitude that everyone will notice, when we speak with sincerity looking into the eyes, when we are clear with others ...
Shutting up to everything and always saying "yes" does not assure us that we will be loved more; in fact, when we think like that, perhaps behind it all hides a low self-esteem and we think that complacency is the way to get affection.
And how can we learn to say "NO"?1. Start with small things. Do not give silly excuses, it shows in the end. Simply say that you don't feel like it, that you are tired, that you understand but you can't, that you also have your obligations.
2. If you are not sure, think carefully about how you are going to do it first. You can stand in front of a mirror and look at both your verbal and nonverbal language. See if your speech is sensible and reasonable.
Don't be afraid, it is normal to feel uncomfortable and anxious at the moment of your "no", but they say that "charity begins with oneself". To say "NO" is to love yourself.
4. Lose the fear of what others say. The first to feel satisfied with yourself is you.
5. You don't need to give so many explanations. If you do it this way you start to enter your spiral of "what a cut, how do I tell him..." and we return to the same thing.
6. Learn that if a person really loves you and appreciates you, they are not going to stop doing it because you say "NO", you also have the right to rest and to look out for yourself. Check your self-esteem.
7. Learn not to feel guilty for saying "NO". This is an inside job that you can do little by little.
What are blue lies?
Psychology of eSports
Associative cortex: characteristics and functions
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3 года 2 нед. назад #328
от VivianPag
VivianPag ответил в теме Jean Martin Charcot, precursor of psychoanalysis
Jean Martin Charcot, precursor of psychoanalysis
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п»ї<title>Jean Martin Charcot, precursor of psychoanalysis</title>
Great thinkers have passed through this world who have left their mark through their work. Jean Martin Charcot was one of them, since his ideas were very valuable, both to understand which procedures work and which do not.
Charcot was born into a humble family in Paris (1985). From an early age he demonstrated his passion for study. In fact, thanks to being the best of his siblings in primary school, his father decided to make an effort so that he would continue studying.
He became a neurologist and professor of anatomy. He stood out for his skills for analysis and synthesis, thanks to which he made great contributions, which made him, among other things, the precursor of psychoanalysis. We show you how he developed his work.
"If the clinician, as an observer, wishes to see things as they really are, he must make tabula rasa of his mind and proceed without any preconceived ideas."
-Jean Martin Charcot
Jean Martin Charcot and Sigmund FreudCharcot studied medicine at the University of Paris and became interested in neurology. He worked for more than 30 years at the SalpГЄtrierГЁ. There, he devoted much of his time to research. In fact, thanks to his contributions, he is considered one of the fathers of modern neurology.
At the SalpГЄtrierГЁ he had the opportunity to see and study various patients and to explore them after their death in the autopsy room. This allowed him to identify associations between their symptoms and the abnormal physiological findings he encountered.
It was during his stay at the SalpГЄtrierГЁ that Jean Martin Charcot and Sigmund Freud met. At this time the SalpГЄtrierГЁ housed a large number of "psychiatric patients". Charcot studied them and Freud learned from him.
This is how Charcot influenced Freud. The latter was impressed by Charcot's systematic way of working. On the other hand, Charcot's influence on Freud regarding the study of hysteria is well known. However, this or part of this would not be the only aspect that Freud would keep: for example, he also initially assimilated as his own his way of diagnosing.
Jean Martin Charcot and his studies on hysteria and hypnosisOf all the patients at the SalpГЄtrierГЁ, most had hysterical symptoms. Charcot took it upon himself to give another point of view on this condition. In fact, he was the first to say that it was not a disease of the uterus but rather a neurological disorder.
He also suggested that the origins of hysteria might have to do with past experiences. Thus he worked with a new hypothesis for the symptoms of paralysis, hypersensitivity, analgesia, unexplained pain, etc., of this condition.
So, he went against the popular beliefs of many physicians of the time. In addition, he also claimed male hysteria, especially in professions such as railroad engineers and the military. It did not take Charcot long to realize that hysterical symptoms were similar to those of hypnosis. And, he began to see how the symptoms of hysteria disappeared after hypnosis sessions. He concluded that both had similar symptoms, such as analgesia and paralysis.
However, at the end of his life he recognized that his theory on suggestion through hypnosis was wrong. Even so, his contributions were essential for neurology and psychoanalysis. In fact, he turned neurology into a clinical specialty and made the SalpГЄtrierГЁ one of the most prestigious places in this area.
Charcot's contributions to psychoanalysisCharcot made great contributions to neurology, for example, his great discovery of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. But that was not his only legacy. He was also one of the precursors of psychoanalysis:
He conceived of hysteria in another way. Thanks to his new vision of hysteria, Freud was able to continue studying it, which was a pillar for the development of psychoanalysis.
He worked with the hypothesis that the origins of the disease could be related to past experiences. A fundamental concept in psychoanalysis that monopolized much of Freud's work was that of trauma, which Charcot had already shown to be the cause of some nervous disorders.
He approached mental disorders. His research was key to the development of psychopathology, and therefore of different branches dedicated to the study of these conditions, such as psychoanalysis.
His teachings to his disciple. Freud learned from his great master Charcot, especially his way of investigating, analyzing and developing a diagnosis. These were key guidelines for the consolidation of psychoanalysis, although Freud later gave it certain nuances.
Although Freud learned a great deal from Charcot, he largely transformed his legacy and opted for a new way of understanding mental disorders. He even constituted his own nosological system.
Thus, we can say that Charcot was a precursor of psychoanalysis because he inspired ideas that Freud later developed to give it a more refined form. Thus, he was a great influence for the creation of psychoanalysis, even if history did not consider him the father.
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п»ї<title>Jean Martin Charcot, precursor of psychoanalysis</title>
Great thinkers have passed through this world who have left their mark through their work. Jean Martin Charcot was one of them, since his ideas were very valuable, both to understand which procedures work and which do not.
Charcot was born into a humble family in Paris (1985). From an early age he demonstrated his passion for study. In fact, thanks to being the best of his siblings in primary school, his father decided to make an effort so that he would continue studying.
He became a neurologist and professor of anatomy. He stood out for his skills for analysis and synthesis, thanks to which he made great contributions, which made him, among other things, the precursor of psychoanalysis. We show you how he developed his work.
"If the clinician, as an observer, wishes to see things as they really are, he must make tabula rasa of his mind and proceed without any preconceived ideas."
-Jean Martin Charcot
Jean Martin Charcot and Sigmund FreudCharcot studied medicine at the University of Paris and became interested in neurology. He worked for more than 30 years at the SalpГЄtrierГЁ. There, he devoted much of his time to research. In fact, thanks to his contributions, he is considered one of the fathers of modern neurology.
At the SalpГЄtrierГЁ he had the opportunity to see and study various patients and to explore them after their death in the autopsy room. This allowed him to identify associations between their symptoms and the abnormal physiological findings he encountered.
It was during his stay at the SalpГЄtrierГЁ that Jean Martin Charcot and Sigmund Freud met. At this time the SalpГЄtrierГЁ housed a large number of "psychiatric patients". Charcot studied them and Freud learned from him.
This is how Charcot influenced Freud. The latter was impressed by Charcot's systematic way of working. On the other hand, Charcot's influence on Freud regarding the study of hysteria is well known. However, this or part of this would not be the only aspect that Freud would keep: for example, he also initially assimilated as his own his way of diagnosing.
Jean Martin Charcot and his studies on hysteria and hypnosisOf all the patients at the SalpГЄtrierГЁ, most had hysterical symptoms. Charcot took it upon himself to give another point of view on this condition. In fact, he was the first to say that it was not a disease of the uterus but rather a neurological disorder.
He also suggested that the origins of hysteria might have to do with past experiences. Thus he worked with a new hypothesis for the symptoms of paralysis, hypersensitivity, analgesia, unexplained pain, etc., of this condition.
So, he went against the popular beliefs of many physicians of the time. In addition, he also claimed male hysteria, especially in professions such as railroad engineers and the military. It did not take Charcot long to realize that hysterical symptoms were similar to those of hypnosis. And, he began to see how the symptoms of hysteria disappeared after hypnosis sessions. He concluded that both had similar symptoms, such as analgesia and paralysis.
However, at the end of his life he recognized that his theory on suggestion through hypnosis was wrong. Even so, his contributions were essential for neurology and psychoanalysis. In fact, he turned neurology into a clinical specialty and made the SalpГЄtrierГЁ one of the most prestigious places in this area.
Charcot's contributions to psychoanalysisCharcot made great contributions to neurology, for example, his great discovery of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. But that was not his only legacy. He was also one of the precursors of psychoanalysis:
He conceived of hysteria in another way. Thanks to his new vision of hysteria, Freud was able to continue studying it, which was a pillar for the development of psychoanalysis.
He worked with the hypothesis that the origins of the disease could be related to past experiences. A fundamental concept in psychoanalysis that monopolized much of Freud's work was that of trauma, which Charcot had already shown to be the cause of some nervous disorders.
He approached mental disorders. His research was key to the development of psychopathology, and therefore of different branches dedicated to the study of these conditions, such as psychoanalysis.
His teachings to his disciple. Freud learned from his great master Charcot, especially his way of investigating, analyzing and developing a diagnosis. These were key guidelines for the consolidation of psychoanalysis, although Freud later gave it certain nuances.
Although Freud learned a great deal from Charcot, he largely transformed his legacy and opted for a new way of understanding mental disorders. He even constituted his own nosological system.
Thus, we can say that Charcot was a precursor of psychoanalysis because he inspired ideas that Freud later developed to give it a more refined form. Thus, he was a great influence for the creation of psychoanalysis, even if history did not consider him the father.
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3 года 1 нед. назад #329
от VivianPag
VivianPag ответил в теме Carry this in your mind: everything happens, everything comes and everything changes.
Carry this in your mind: everything happens, everything comes and everything changes.
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п»ї<title>Carry this in your mind: everything happens, everything comes and everything changes.</title>
No matter how much pain you are going through, you must always remember that everything that happens to us has its time and rhythm, and that in the end everything passes, everything arrives and everything changes.
For this to happen we need patience, time and reflection, which is not that it is easy to achieve, but it is not impossible either. Then the day will come when remembering what happened will be just an anecdote with a great learning experience.
Absolutely everything that happens to us has a beginning and an end, so if something negative happens, do not despair even if it upsets you. Everything passes. And if you are in a comforting stage, remember to make the most of it to keep a good memory.
Everything passes, but you must have patienceWhoever has patience, lacks nothing. Among other things because its goal is to move forward and squeeze the journey that helps to devour experiences, to assume changes and not to allow the present to escape.
We have all longed at some point for the hands of the clock to run faster or for the leaves of the calendar to unfold with haste. However, as time goes by, we are forced to reflect on the transcendence of what happens to us and what we want to make happen. In this regard, there is a Chinese proverb that contains a highly therapeutic teaching:
If a thing has a solution, why worry, and if it no longer has a solution, why worry!
There will always be something that will remainThe truth is that although everything passes, there will always be something that will remain about what has happened. Almost always the lessons learned from the circumstances in which we live impregnate part of what we can call essence.
Our essence accumulates those transformations that are presented to us. Likewise, we must use this to our advantage in order to maintain the balance between past, present and future.
When our worries are excessive and the accompanying tension is almost unbearable, we must repeat to ourselves that everything passes and everything changes. How can we do this?
In the face of distressing events or times, we should try to become aware of those internal stimuli and external events that generate anxiety or distress. This can be achieved by trying to provoke a concern and analyzing how we have carried it out.
The ideal is to use relaxation strategies with breathing or other types of activities that help us to focus on the here and now (e.g., colorful stress painting).
In this way we will minimize expectations and negative predictions, focusing our attention on the present moment. We cannot get carried away by wrong expectations of future events.
What types of problems are we likely to face?
There is no magic solution to every problem, but we can put in place strategies to help us resolve our worries in the best possible way. Let's first look at what kinds of worries we may have.
Immediate concernsConcerns about conflicts with other people or about repairs that our house needs. These types of problems are very immediate and can be addressed.
We can implement problem-solving strategies. To do this, broadly speaking:
We need to pay attention to the problem by assuming that problems are part of daily life and that it is important to feel capable of dealing with them, as well as trying not to respond impulsively.
It is important to specify what influences it and what solutions we can think of to deal with it, whether they are crazy or not, we can contemplate everything in the first instance. The quantity of ideas generates quality.
We must make decisions in relation to the alternative solutions that have occurred to us, evaluating pros and cons both emotionally and in terms of time and effort.
Once we have made the most sensible decision, we must put it into practice. If it does not turn out to be a good solution, we will repeat the process.
Non-modifiable worriesThese are other types of problems or worries about immediate issues that are not modifiable, for example, the illness of a loved one or the state of the world.
At this point we will need to implement self-management or positive reappraisal strategies, for example.
Irrational worriesAn example is the fear that the end of the world is coming or that we may suddenly fall seriously ill and that they are not based on a very probable reality. Therefore, it is suggested that one way to de-catastrophize is to reason out the arguments that dismantle these thoughts so that we see that they are unlikely.
In any case, it is important that we carry in our minds the idea that there is nothing permanent and that life itself is very changeable. We must advocate that the learnings transcend and not the mistakes or sorrows.
We cannot stop to drown, but keep swimming to move forward and not miss any landscape.
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Be it loves, hopes, fears, don't hold them if they want to fall down.
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п»ї<title>Carry this in your mind: everything happens, everything comes and everything changes.</title>
No matter how much pain you are going through, you must always remember that everything that happens to us has its time and rhythm, and that in the end everything passes, everything arrives and everything changes.
For this to happen we need patience, time and reflection, which is not that it is easy to achieve, but it is not impossible either. Then the day will come when remembering what happened will be just an anecdote with a great learning experience.
Absolutely everything that happens to us has a beginning and an end, so if something negative happens, do not despair even if it upsets you. Everything passes. And if you are in a comforting stage, remember to make the most of it to keep a good memory.
Everything passes, but you must have patienceWhoever has patience, lacks nothing. Among other things because its goal is to move forward and squeeze the journey that helps to devour experiences, to assume changes and not to allow the present to escape.
We have all longed at some point for the hands of the clock to run faster or for the leaves of the calendar to unfold with haste. However, as time goes by, we are forced to reflect on the transcendence of what happens to us and what we want to make happen. In this regard, there is a Chinese proverb that contains a highly therapeutic teaching:
If a thing has a solution, why worry, and if it no longer has a solution, why worry!
There will always be something that will remainThe truth is that although everything passes, there will always be something that will remain about what has happened. Almost always the lessons learned from the circumstances in which we live impregnate part of what we can call essence.
Our essence accumulates those transformations that are presented to us. Likewise, we must use this to our advantage in order to maintain the balance between past, present and future.
When our worries are excessive and the accompanying tension is almost unbearable, we must repeat to ourselves that everything passes and everything changes. How can we do this?
In the face of distressing events or times, we should try to become aware of those internal stimuli and external events that generate anxiety or distress. This can be achieved by trying to provoke a concern and analyzing how we have carried it out.
The ideal is to use relaxation strategies with breathing or other types of activities that help us to focus on the here and now (e.g., colorful stress painting).
In this way we will minimize expectations and negative predictions, focusing our attention on the present moment. We cannot get carried away by wrong expectations of future events.
What types of problems are we likely to face?
There is no magic solution to every problem, but we can put in place strategies to help us resolve our worries in the best possible way. Let's first look at what kinds of worries we may have.
Immediate concernsConcerns about conflicts with other people or about repairs that our house needs. These types of problems are very immediate and can be addressed.
We can implement problem-solving strategies. To do this, broadly speaking:
We need to pay attention to the problem by assuming that problems are part of daily life and that it is important to feel capable of dealing with them, as well as trying not to respond impulsively.
It is important to specify what influences it and what solutions we can think of to deal with it, whether they are crazy or not, we can contemplate everything in the first instance. The quantity of ideas generates quality.
We must make decisions in relation to the alternative solutions that have occurred to us, evaluating pros and cons both emotionally and in terms of time and effort.
Once we have made the most sensible decision, we must put it into practice. If it does not turn out to be a good solution, we will repeat the process.
Non-modifiable worriesThese are other types of problems or worries about immediate issues that are not modifiable, for example, the illness of a loved one or the state of the world.
At this point we will need to implement self-management or positive reappraisal strategies, for example.
Irrational worriesAn example is the fear that the end of the world is coming or that we may suddenly fall seriously ill and that they are not based on a very probable reality. Therefore, it is suggested that one way to de-catastrophize is to reason out the arguments that dismantle these thoughts so that we see that they are unlikely.
In any case, it is important that we carry in our minds the idea that there is nothing permanent and that life itself is very changeable. We must advocate that the learnings transcend and not the mistakes or sorrows.
We cannot stop to drown, but keep swimming to move forward and not miss any landscape.
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When you least expect it, everything turns out well
And suddenly it happens, something is triggered, and at that moment you know that things are going to change and have changed. And from then on nothing will ever be the same again....
Know your selves and do not merge with any of them.
Be it loves, hopes, fears, don't hold them if they want to fall down.
Cognitive psychology of religions
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3 года 1 нед. назад #330
от VivianPag
Theodor Reik and the separation between psychoanalysis and medicine.
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п»ї<title>Theodor Reik and the separation between psychoanalysis and medicine.</title>
Theodor Reik was not only an outstanding psychoanalyst, author of important writings and sharp reflections, but also a definitive milestone in the history of psychoanalysis. His case made it possible for analytic practice to be reserved not only for clinicians, but also for laymen. This is one of the great hallmarks of psychoanalysis.
Theodor Reik is owed important contributions to psychoanalytic theory. He worked in detail on the theme of "the disturbing", an aspect that is part of Sigmund Freud's reflections on "the ominous". Likewise, he worked on the concept of guilt criminals, that is, those who transgress the law with the unconscious aim of being punished.
"Work and love, these are the basic concepts. Without them there is neurosis."
-Theodor Reik
In total, Theodor Reik wrote more than 100 texts, including essays and books. Among his best known works are The Compulsion to Confess, The Unknown Murderer, and The Masochism of Modern Man. Unfortunately, during his lifetime he did not achieve the significant success he achieved decades after his death.
Theodor Reik, his early yearsLike most psychoanalysts of that time, Theodor Reik came from a Jewish family. His was of modest ancestry and Austrian origin. Reik was born in Vienna on May 12, 1888. During his childhood he witnessed several heated conflicts between his father and grandfather. One was a freethinker and the other an almost fanatical religious man.
Reik's mother was emotionally unstable. She suffered from severe depression, an aspect that also marked the childhood of the future psychoanalyst. When he was 18 years old, his father died. This forced him to work to support the family. The situation led him to a crisis of anguish, in which he made tremendous self-accusations and inflicted mortifications on himself.
In the midst of many limitations, he managed to obtain a degree in Philosophy and Letters. His thesis was on The Temptation of Saint Anthony, a work by Gustave Flaubert. His studies and his emotional concerns brought him closer to psychoanalytic theory. He met Sigmund Freud personally and forged a bond between them that lasted forever.
Theodor ReikTheodor Reik, Freud's spiritual sonFreud refused to take Theodor Reik for analysis. He decided to refer him to another of the psychoanalysts closest to his circle, Karl Abraham. Freud himself paid for his psychoanalysis. In fact, he went further. He took him under his protection and sent him a monthly allowance to cover his expenses. Reik, who soon began to serve as a psychoanalyst, had problems in his work, since he was not a medical doctor.
It was at that time that Reik collaborated with Freud's work, in particular by analyzing the theme of The Fright. His contributions were very well received and were recorded in two important papers on the subject: one published in 1924 and the other in 1929.
Theodor Reik's relationship with Freud was so close that even in the Viennese circle he was jokingly referred to as "simil Freud". This was because Reik dressed like Freud, trimmed his beard like him, talked like him and even smoked the same cigars as the father of psychoanalysis. Freud, for his part, recognized this "fatherly desire" in his disciple and made him his spiritual son.
Non-medical psychoanalysisIn 1925, a famous trial against Theodor Reik broke out. He was forbidden to practice psychoanalysis because he was not a medical professional. This case sparked a strong controversy in the psychoanalytic movement. A sector of it was against the idea that laymen could practice psychoanalysis. Almost all of them were Americans. Another sector, almost all of them Europeans, accepted that laymen could practice analysis.
The controversy led Sigmund Freud to publish a paper on the subject, which he called: Can laymen practice analysis? The debate took on important dimensions. Reik decided to settle in Berlin, convinced that he could practice psychoanalysis there. However, the arrival of the Nazis forced him to emigrate first to Holland and then to the United States.
American psychoanalysts never accepted him as one of their own. This led Theodor Reik to develop the "third ear" thesis. According to this thesis, the psychoanalyst works basically with his intuition, which constitutes the axis of his countertransferential work. Reik died of heart problems on December 31, 1969.
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п»ї<title>Theodor Reik and the separation between psychoanalysis and medicine.</title>
Theodor Reik was not only an outstanding psychoanalyst, author of important writings and sharp reflections, but also a definitive milestone in the history of psychoanalysis. His case made it possible for analytic practice to be reserved not only for clinicians, but also for laymen. This is one of the great hallmarks of psychoanalysis.
Theodor Reik is owed important contributions to psychoanalytic theory. He worked in detail on the theme of "the disturbing", an aspect that is part of Sigmund Freud's reflections on "the ominous". Likewise, he worked on the concept of guilt criminals, that is, those who transgress the law with the unconscious aim of being punished.
"Work and love, these are the basic concepts. Without them there is neurosis."
-Theodor Reik
In total, Theodor Reik wrote more than 100 texts, including essays and books. Among his best known works are The Compulsion to Confess, The Unknown Murderer, and The Masochism of Modern Man. Unfortunately, during his lifetime he did not achieve the significant success he achieved decades after his death.
Theodor Reik, his early yearsLike most psychoanalysts of that time, Theodor Reik came from a Jewish family. His was of modest ancestry and Austrian origin. Reik was born in Vienna on May 12, 1888. During his childhood he witnessed several heated conflicts between his father and grandfather. One was a freethinker and the other an almost fanatical religious man.
Reik's mother was emotionally unstable. She suffered from severe depression, an aspect that also marked the childhood of the future psychoanalyst. When he was 18 years old, his father died. This forced him to work to support the family. The situation led him to a crisis of anguish, in which he made tremendous self-accusations and inflicted mortifications on himself.
In the midst of many limitations, he managed to obtain a degree in Philosophy and Letters. His thesis was on The Temptation of Saint Anthony, a work by Gustave Flaubert. His studies and his emotional concerns brought him closer to psychoanalytic theory. He met Sigmund Freud personally and forged a bond between them that lasted forever.
Theodor ReikTheodor Reik, Freud's spiritual sonFreud refused to take Theodor Reik for analysis. He decided to refer him to another of the psychoanalysts closest to his circle, Karl Abraham. Freud himself paid for his psychoanalysis. In fact, he went further. He took him under his protection and sent him a monthly allowance to cover his expenses. Reik, who soon began to serve as a psychoanalyst, had problems in his work, since he was not a medical doctor.
It was at that time that Reik collaborated with Freud's work, in particular by analyzing the theme of The Fright. His contributions were very well received and were recorded in two important papers on the subject: one published in 1924 and the other in 1929.
Theodor Reik's relationship with Freud was so close that even in the Viennese circle he was jokingly referred to as "simil Freud". This was because Reik dressed like Freud, trimmed his beard like him, talked like him and even smoked the same cigars as the father of psychoanalysis. Freud, for his part, recognized this "fatherly desire" in his disciple and made him his spiritual son.
Non-medical psychoanalysisIn 1925, a famous trial against Theodor Reik broke out. He was forbidden to practice psychoanalysis because he was not a medical professional. This case sparked a strong controversy in the psychoanalytic movement. A sector of it was against the idea that laymen could practice psychoanalysis. Almost all of them were Americans. Another sector, almost all of them Europeans, accepted that laymen could practice analysis.
The controversy led Sigmund Freud to publish a paper on the subject, which he called: Can laymen practice analysis? The debate took on important dimensions. Reik decided to settle in Berlin, convinced that he could practice psychoanalysis there. However, the arrival of the Nazis forced him to emigrate first to Holland and then to the United States.
American psychoanalysts never accepted him as one of their own. This led Theodor Reik to develop the "third ear" thesis. According to this thesis, the psychoanalyst works basically with his intuition, which constitutes the axis of his countertransferential work. Reik died of heart problems on December 31, 1969.
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3 года 1 нед. назад #331
от VivianPag
VivianPag ответил в теме The traumatic life of the creator of Peter Pan.
The traumatic life of the creator of Peter Pan.
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п»ї<title>Children, new toys? (Children's hypersexuality)</title>
They are girls between 5 and 10 years old, but they behave as if they were older. They are very concerned about looking beautiful and are interested in fashion, diet and romance. Their big dream: to be just like their barbie dolls. Their obsession: physical image, popularity. They are sociable and charming, very assiduous of social networks and fond of parties.
No one would believe that we are talking about little girls with baby teeth yet. But there are more and more of them, especially in the most developed countries. They are strongly influenced by television and the Internet. Most of the time their behavior is encouraged by their own parents, who see them as the "dolls" of the house and want others to see them that way too.
Children and consumptionChildren are now subjects of consumption. Brands and their marketers know this and therefore spare neither effort nor money in manipulating their desires. In the past, this market of children's desires was incisive in its toy offer. A different one, and just as disposable as the previous one, in each new season.
In recent years there has been a change. It seems that the market wants the child itself to become the toy. Barbie dolls and their ilk have not been introduced as a tool for girls to play with, but as a model to imitate.
At the same time, beauty or modeling contests for young girls have begun to proliferate. And a whole fashion industry has been set up that increasingly equates the clothing of young girls with that of adults. There are styles and accessories to make them look like miniature divas.
Some adults celebrate it as if this precocity were a sign of a certain superiority. And so they inculcate it to the little ones who, obviously, do not reach to dimension the implications and consequences of their actions. The physicist becomes the beginning and the end of everything. It is then when the construction of a great inner desert begins, for which sooner rather than later they pay a high bill.
The implicit dangersThe situation ceases to be so innocent if we look a little deeper into this phenomenon. As overwhelming as it may seem, the truth is that there is a market demand for beautiful girls. For boys too, but to a lesser extent. It is a demand that has also been spreading and has its basis in a kind of disguised pederasty.
Photographs of children are highly valued in the pornography market. Insinuating poses or suggestive images are a source of great excitement for those who see children as a source of sexual desire.
But the matter does not stop there. Also among children themselves, and especially through social networks, the practice of circulating photographs of girls as a means to achieve popularity has been consolidated. A Discovery Channel documentary indicated that a single 9-year-old girl received an average of 17,000 messages per month on her Twitter account as a result of the photographs she circulated on the network.
Rather than restricting such content, the solution must be sought within the family. There is no possibility for a child to develop these behaviors without strong encouragement from adults. Either because they approve and encourage this type of behavior, or because they are unaware of the juggling their daughters do to attract the attention of others.
If childhood ends up being a simple caricature of the adult world, there would be nothing strange if the exact opposite were to happen in the end: adults could become an absurd representation of children.
Patterns of alcohol consumption according to Jellinek
Debate Skills
Hacking the brain
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п»ї<title>Children, new toys? (Children's hypersexuality)</title>
They are girls between 5 and 10 years old, but they behave as if they were older. They are very concerned about looking beautiful and are interested in fashion, diet and romance. Their big dream: to be just like their barbie dolls. Their obsession: physical image, popularity. They are sociable and charming, very assiduous of social networks and fond of parties.
No one would believe that we are talking about little girls with baby teeth yet. But there are more and more of them, especially in the most developed countries. They are strongly influenced by television and the Internet. Most of the time their behavior is encouraged by their own parents, who see them as the "dolls" of the house and want others to see them that way too.
Children and consumptionChildren are now subjects of consumption. Brands and their marketers know this and therefore spare neither effort nor money in manipulating their desires. In the past, this market of children's desires was incisive in its toy offer. A different one, and just as disposable as the previous one, in each new season.
In recent years there has been a change. It seems that the market wants the child itself to become the toy. Barbie dolls and their ilk have not been introduced as a tool for girls to play with, but as a model to imitate.
At the same time, beauty or modeling contests for young girls have begun to proliferate. And a whole fashion industry has been set up that increasingly equates the clothing of young girls with that of adults. There are styles and accessories to make them look like miniature divas.
Some adults celebrate it as if this precocity were a sign of a certain superiority. And so they inculcate it to the little ones who, obviously, do not reach to dimension the implications and consequences of their actions. The physicist becomes the beginning and the end of everything. It is then when the construction of a great inner desert begins, for which sooner rather than later they pay a high bill.
The implicit dangersThe situation ceases to be so innocent if we look a little deeper into this phenomenon. As overwhelming as it may seem, the truth is that there is a market demand for beautiful girls. For boys too, but to a lesser extent. It is a demand that has also been spreading and has its basis in a kind of disguised pederasty.
Photographs of children are highly valued in the pornography market. Insinuating poses or suggestive images are a source of great excitement for those who see children as a source of sexual desire.
But the matter does not stop there. Also among children themselves, and especially through social networks, the practice of circulating photographs of girls as a means to achieve popularity has been consolidated. A Discovery Channel documentary indicated that a single 9-year-old girl received an average of 17,000 messages per month on her Twitter account as a result of the photographs she circulated on the network.
Rather than restricting such content, the solution must be sought within the family. There is no possibility for a child to develop these behaviors without strong encouragement from adults. Either because they approve and encourage this type of behavior, or because they are unaware of the juggling their daughters do to attract the attention of others.
If childhood ends up being a simple caricature of the adult world, there would be nothing strange if the exact opposite were to happen in the end: adults could become an absurd representation of children.
Patterns of alcohol consumption according to Jellinek
Debate Skills
Hacking the brain
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3 года 1 нед. назад #332
от VivianPag
VivianPag ответил в теме Cognitive theories of depression
Cognitive theories of depression
modafinil 200
п»ї<title>Techniques to boost your creativity according to David Lynch</title>
Enhancing your creativity according to David Lynch is all about feeling good. Although most of the productions of this director, screenwriter, painter, musician and photographer are nourished by the darkness and the most bizarre of human beings, there is one aspect that for him is fundamental. Creation must always be a form of well-being and freedom and, for that, we need our inner self to be in harmony.
Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, The Eraserhead, The Elephant Man or Mulholland Drive... Lynch's filmography shows that we are facing one of the most radical minds, as well as visionary, of today. He is not to everyone's taste, nor does everyone understand the complexity of his singular universes. Those that border on surrealism, that unravel human emotions and the darkest and even hilarious sides of people.
Likewise, David Lynch's pictorial and sculptural works are also an artistic reference. Thus, in his latest exhibition entitled My Head is Disconnected, he made a profound analysis of the concept of creativity. In his canvases, murals and abstract figures he tried to make a journey through the human psyche and its fragility, an original search through the abysses of the human brain and the ball of feelings.
Undoubtedly, we are before one of the most inspiring figures in the field of creativity. Thus, in books such as Catch the Goldfish: Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity or Space for Dreaming, he offers us valuable keys on how to lead a life in tune with this dimension.
Techniques to boost your creativity according to David LynchAn idea is a gift; in fact, sometimes it is the valuable thread that pulls us through many others. It has happened to all of us at one time or another and this, according to Lynch, is a wonderful thing, something we should take advantage of.
However, in our hectic, hyper-connected, stressful world, ideas come and go, we don't hold on to them; in fact, we often don't even hear them. We lack, perhaps, the innocence of children and that natural willingness to take seriously every content that emerges from the mind.
The techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch are quite simple and reflect the journey that his protagonist has made over several decades, dealing with looks, voices and people who have not always understood his art. Accepting that what inspires us or what we create will not be to everyone's taste is perhaps the first lesson we must learn.
Creativity is happiness, negativity blocks our mindDavid Lynch is one of those artists who believe that in order to create you don't have to suffer. Thus, in his book Catch the Goldfish, he explains that painters like Van Gogh did not achieve genius just because they were unhappy or suffered. The act of painting, the exercise of creation, was the only vehicle to happiness.
Therefore, whatever our creative area, we must see it as a channel capable of bliss. The mind that innovates is a free mind and the mere process of creation, as the psychologist MihГЎly CsГkszentmihГЎlyi would say, brings us closer to that flow state, where we feel truly happy.
"Happiness comes with consciousness; freedom and intelligence also come with it. Creativity is love. And true happiness is not out there, true happiness lies within."
-David Lynch
Go deeper into everything you see, go beyond the apparentThe most powerful ideas, according to Lynch, are in the depths. They are like the most beautiful and fantastic fish; those that are rarely on the surface. Therefore, an immersion in a journey into the interior, daring to go beyond what is familiar, known and ordinary, is advisable.
Thus, a large part of the plots of this director's productions delve into this reality. What is hidden behind a beautiful and innocent village can often be the most disturbing thing. What lies behind a house and its delicate, closed windows can be the most terrifying. One must always go beyond appearances.
If you haven't started meditating, do it nowAnother of the most important techniques to boost your creativity according to David Lynch is to practice meditation. For him, negativity is the enemy of creativity. In addition, one way to prevent negative emotions from blocking us is to learn to meditate. According to Lynch's own words, when you include this practice in your life, a space opens in the mind where consciousness expands, and then, the best ideas flow.
Meditation turns off anger and stress, you can breathe, you feel good physically and it is in that state of well-being, love and happiness, where we can shape the best ideas.
Create for yourself, it doesn't matter if others don't understand your creationsA good part of Lynch's productions have received criticism. Dune was somehow a failure and films, such as Blue Velvet, were as misunderstood by one part of the public as they were appreciated by another. At first, David Lynch was no stranger to such criticism, the misunderstanding and unfortunate words hurt.
However, over the years the suffering faded away. As he explains in his latest book Espacio para soГ±ar, the world is not obliged to understand what you create. The artist is not the public, the artist must create for himself, he must find his space of freedom in the act of creation itself. What happens afterwards does not matter.
To conclude, as we can see, the techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch are as logical as they are simple to carry out. Therefore, no matter our age, responsibilities or our current circumstances, creativity always has the power to improve our lives. And what's better, we all have within us a vast wellspring full of ideas waiting to surface.
"I don't know why people expect art to make sense. We need to start accepting the fact that life often doesn't make sense either."
-David Lynch
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modafinil 200
п»ї<title>Techniques to boost your creativity according to David Lynch</title>
Enhancing your creativity according to David Lynch is all about feeling good. Although most of the productions of this director, screenwriter, painter, musician and photographer are nourished by the darkness and the most bizarre of human beings, there is one aspect that for him is fundamental. Creation must always be a form of well-being and freedom and, for that, we need our inner self to be in harmony.
Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, The Eraserhead, The Elephant Man or Mulholland Drive... Lynch's filmography shows that we are facing one of the most radical minds, as well as visionary, of today. He is not to everyone's taste, nor does everyone understand the complexity of his singular universes. Those that border on surrealism, that unravel human emotions and the darkest and even hilarious sides of people.
Likewise, David Lynch's pictorial and sculptural works are also an artistic reference. Thus, in his latest exhibition entitled My Head is Disconnected, he made a profound analysis of the concept of creativity. In his canvases, murals and abstract figures he tried to make a journey through the human psyche and its fragility, an original search through the abysses of the human brain and the ball of feelings.
Undoubtedly, we are before one of the most inspiring figures in the field of creativity. Thus, in books such as Catch the Goldfish: Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity or Space for Dreaming, he offers us valuable keys on how to lead a life in tune with this dimension.
Techniques to boost your creativity according to David LynchAn idea is a gift; in fact, sometimes it is the valuable thread that pulls us through many others. It has happened to all of us at one time or another and this, according to Lynch, is a wonderful thing, something we should take advantage of.
However, in our hectic, hyper-connected, stressful world, ideas come and go, we don't hold on to them; in fact, we often don't even hear them. We lack, perhaps, the innocence of children and that natural willingness to take seriously every content that emerges from the mind.
The techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch are quite simple and reflect the journey that his protagonist has made over several decades, dealing with looks, voices and people who have not always understood his art. Accepting that what inspires us or what we create will not be to everyone's taste is perhaps the first lesson we must learn.
Creativity is happiness, negativity blocks our mindDavid Lynch is one of those artists who believe that in order to create you don't have to suffer. Thus, in his book Catch the Goldfish, he explains that painters like Van Gogh did not achieve genius just because they were unhappy or suffered. The act of painting, the exercise of creation, was the only vehicle to happiness.
Therefore, whatever our creative area, we must see it as a channel capable of bliss. The mind that innovates is a free mind and the mere process of creation, as the psychologist MihГЎly CsГkszentmihГЎlyi would say, brings us closer to that flow state, where we feel truly happy.
"Happiness comes with consciousness; freedom and intelligence also come with it. Creativity is love. And true happiness is not out there, true happiness lies within."
-David Lynch
Go deeper into everything you see, go beyond the apparentThe most powerful ideas, according to Lynch, are in the depths. They are like the most beautiful and fantastic fish; those that are rarely on the surface. Therefore, an immersion in a journey into the interior, daring to go beyond what is familiar, known and ordinary, is advisable.
Thus, a large part of the plots of this director's productions delve into this reality. What is hidden behind a beautiful and innocent village can often be the most disturbing thing. What lies behind a house and its delicate, closed windows can be the most terrifying. One must always go beyond appearances.
If you haven't started meditating, do it nowAnother of the most important techniques to boost your creativity according to David Lynch is to practice meditation. For him, negativity is the enemy of creativity. In addition, one way to prevent negative emotions from blocking us is to learn to meditate. According to Lynch's own words, when you include this practice in your life, a space opens in the mind where consciousness expands, and then, the best ideas flow.
Meditation turns off anger and stress, you can breathe, you feel good physically and it is in that state of well-being, love and happiness, where we can shape the best ideas.
Create for yourself, it doesn't matter if others don't understand your creationsA good part of Lynch's productions have received criticism. Dune was somehow a failure and films, such as Blue Velvet, were as misunderstood by one part of the public as they were appreciated by another. At first, David Lynch was no stranger to such criticism, the misunderstanding and unfortunate words hurt.
However, over the years the suffering faded away. As he explains in his latest book Espacio para soГ±ar, the world is not obliged to understand what you create. The artist is not the public, the artist must create for himself, he must find his space of freedom in the act of creation itself. What happens afterwards does not matter.
To conclude, as we can see, the techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch are as logical as they are simple to carry out. Therefore, no matter our age, responsibilities or our current circumstances, creativity always has the power to improve our lives. And what's better, we all have within us a vast wellspring full of ideas waiting to surface.
"I don't know why people expect art to make sense. We need to start accepting the fact that life often doesn't make sense either."
-David Lynch
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"Neither with you, nor without you": the insecure-ambivalent attachment.
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